English and Maths tutoring for children aged 5 to 16

News about the Center

What's been happening at Eureka recently. New WIFi for parents and children etc.


As most of you will know the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect on Friday 25th May. It is the most important data privacy law so far just about anywhere in the world. it's taken 4 years for the bureaucrats in Brussels to draft and it impacts every business in the UK, including Eureka.  As such we will be sending home explanations on how we use your data and issuing consent forms for every child so that we can continue to contact you using said data, as and when, the need arises. If you could return these forms as a matter of urgency it would be greatly appreciated! If you have any queries please contact Damien. 

 Center WIFI

It had to happen sooner or later, but we have recently upgraded centers WIFI and it is now available to children and parents. The connection details can be found on the wall in the waiting room!

Center Security

As most of you will be aware we had a PIN code lock fitted to the front door at the begining of last term. We've now also fitted a closer mechanism to the front door as we where still finding that the door was occasionally being left opened. The door code and instructions can be found on the Parents page.